For When You Feel Fragmented
Wangechi Mutu, Homeward Bound, 2010
Does it feel like you’re being spread out sideways? As if you’re being pulled in all directions? And do you feel thin, a little see-through because of this? As if you don’t really exist? As if the fibers of your body are everywhere and nowhere? And at the same time, do you feel confused and awkward, or have trouble concentrating and forget things? Then you are fragmented. Or rather, your
energy is fragmented. It’s a phenomenon that many people are familiar with, but many people don’t realize it. It happens to you when you focus your attention all week on all kinds of things and release a part of your energy. It causes you not to get anything done.
How do you become fragmented?
There are four ways to become fragmented:
1. You meet a lot of people during the week. Everywhere you give a bit of your attention and lose a bit of your energy.
2. You sit behind the computer a lot. You visit a lot of websites and scroll for a long time though the Facebook timeline, causing energy lines to flow from you to all kinds of people. And via these lines, your energy empties.
3. Everything you do, you do with your mind. You read, study, think, think, think. You’ve lost contact with your body and all your energy has gone every which way because of all the thinking.
4. You’ve had an emotional trauma. At such a moment it’s as if your energetic body, as if made of glass, has shattered. The shards fly every which way and your energy has spread all over as well. You can’t find yourself anymore.
What are the symptoms?
Your energy is fragmented when you notice that:
1. You’re confused. You can’t find your keys and forget appointments.
2. You trip, fall down the stairs, bump your head, let things drop out of your hands. 3. You can’t focus. You want to do things but just can’t make them happen.
How do you collect your energy again?
With the MIR-Method you can bundle your energy again. You do that by stroking your hands and saying the 9 steps. For an explanation, please watch the instruction video. The MIR-Method gives your subconscious assignments to collect your energy again via the 9 steps. Eating food that your body needs, via step 5: Supplement all shortages, or by clearing your energetic body with step 8: Optimize chakras and aura. And step 9: Clarify mission helps you with an important extra step: experiencing your hobby. People who are working towards a burnout often forget to spend time on their hobby. And you can read more this here, article 39, “Clarify Mission About Your Hobby”.
Why is a hobby so important?
If you are busy doing your hobby, doing what you like doing most, you are collecting your energy again. You stop thinking and work with your hands. You fill yourself with love for what you are doing. It causes the Heart chakra to open and collect your energy. It’s as if your heart uses a vacuum cleaner hose to suck energy back into it. Slowly but surely all the pieces of energy return to you. Your energetic body is slowly built up again. I use the word “slowly” purposefully, because this usually isn’t done after doing your hobby one time. It is often a matter of doing your hobby daily for a couple of hours for a week or two to collect your energy. It’s that important to do what you like doing best!
Doing something intensively is using the right side of your brain
What also happens when you do your hobby is that you’re using your right-hand brain. This causes you to make contact with your incredibly large potential, the world of imagination, and the world in which anything is possible. It gives you a feeling of space and freedom that strengthens your feeling of happiness. You leave the limited thinking of your left-brain half in which everything is stiff and rigid. You begin to think creatively with the right half of your brain and see new possibilities. You suddenly see new solutions for problems. You get such a new impulse of energy that you collect and build up your own energy again.
Being intensively busy equals letting go
And finally, you let go of all the energetic lines that you still have towards people. That happens because while doing your hobby you are so intensively busy that you forget everything around you. It’s as if you completely dissolve into what you are doing. The lines don’t have any support and disappear. You liberate yourself and make yourself completely yourself again. You find yourself again.
And what about you? What are your hobbies? What would you love to fill your days with? Painting, knitting, sewing clothing. Or working on an old car, arranging flowers, making music, enjoying nature or collecting stones? And how do you feel when you are doing it? I’d love to hear about it from you so you can inspire others to rediscover their hobbies!
My wish is that you can gather yourself nicely! Greetings, Mireille Mettes
The MIR-Method Mireille Mettes
Ask yourself
ask yourself often:
Am I observing the situation accurately, or am I projecting how I feel about what is happening?
New worth
ANGEL OTERO Neverland 2024
The truth of the lesson may be much greater. "I know I am worthy of love regardless of the behavior of another." "I know I am worthy of being seen regardless of what I look like to another." "I know that I am worthy of living my life regardless of what I am told by someone who doesn't care anymore." You claim your lessons as a possibility of new industry, new awareness, new life, new choices, new being. But you must say yes to the positive lessons that are brought to you through your interactions. In some ways, they are your stepping-stones to new worth.
The guides- Paul Selig
David Medalla, Cloud Canyon, 2017
That which I am seeking, I am. Whatever it is of good that I have believed to be separate from me is, in fact, a constituted part of my being. I include, embody, and embrace within myself within my consciousness, the reality of God which forms the infinity of the health, wealth, and harmony of my being. The conscious awareness of this truth is true prayer.
Joel Goldsmith
What is blocking you?
Artist Ben Tong b. 1981, Toronto, Canada)
Find out what your subconscious story is. AKA, find out what story you’re secretly telling yourself that is in direct opposition to your what you want.
To do this, look no further than childhood. When you were a kid, what dynamic did you witness in relation to what you’re wanting?
Relationship is a mirror
Artist Helen Frankenthaler, Nepenthe, 1972
Sometimes you can’t, but always God can
Artist Marie-José Robinson Kafri
The spiritual forces that created and sustained the universe can help you at any time—provided you call upon them intelligently. Of course, there is only one First Cause, but it acts in many different ways, and your response will always come in the most appropriate ways to meet your needs.
We can do it ourselves instead of letting the Great Power do it. One way to call, mentally and physically, and then upon this Power is to become quiet and call upon IT quietly to do what IT knows to be necessary. Do not dictate ways and means.
Often, your prayers go unanswered because you try to accomplish things with your willpower alone. But remember your willpower, and you cannot succeed in all things if it is limited to you.
Have you ever seen a heavy freight elevator in action or a giant hoist at the docks? You know what happens. The operator would not dream of pulling up that load with his muscles. He would tire himself out, possibly seriously damage himself, and make no impression on the task.
He throws a small switch quite gently and leaves it in. Then, the electric power raises the loadequired, and as often as necessary, without any effort or fuss to any height r.
You are not just solving a problem when you engage in spiritual work. You are applying infinite power to your situation. Power can be only; with this, there is one outcome: victory.
"Be still and know that I am God."*
-Emmett Fox
“Be fully in harmony with what you have
and commit to creating something that you can be inspired by.”
Toba Khedoori, Untitled (Grass), 2022
Home is to understand yourself as worthy of being. Worthy of being will translate to wherever you live, and any home you may have will be temporary, including the body you stand in. It is home for now. It is doing its job now. To put down roots, as you say, is to make yourself known by others, become reliant upon community. Now, community operates in different ways. You're so used to the idea of segmented community, likemindedness, that you forget your neighbors who do other than you. And until humanity decides that you are one community, and not faction, you will have frustration and war. To exhibit love to the one you don’t know, to say to the one you see, “I see you in your beauty and in your right to be,” claims it for the self as well. Say thank you for wherever you live. It becomes your opportunity to learn. Period.
Paul Selig- the guides
low worth patterns
Remedios Varo, La Llamada (1961)
Low worth patterns…
Have difficulty making decisions.
Judge what they think, say, or do harshly, as never good enough.
Are embarrassed to receive recognition, praise, or gifts.
Value others’ approval of their thinking, feelings, and behavior over their own.
Do not perceive themselves as lovable or worthwhile persons.
Seek recognition and praise to overcome feeling less than others.
Have difficulty admitting a mistake.
Need to appear to be right in the eyes of others and may even lie to look good.
Are unable to identify or ask for what they need and want.
Perceive themselves as superior to others.
Look to others to provide their sense of safety.
Have difficulty getting started, meeting deadlines, and completing projects.
Have trouble setting healthy priorities and boundaries.
Things that feel overwhelming or too much aren’t about your present self; it’s about what you absorbed as a child. What was unsaid that you picked up on? All limiting beliefs are picked up in childhood. This is what you will need to reprogramme to live freely in the present, to feel that you are standing on solid ground.
My work is centered on healing through empowered deep visioinig that aligns you with your inherent worth. If you need guidance, reach out for a session to get started immediately.
What do you want
Artist Ken Price 1981
What is the basis of our wants? Will they fill all of the holes in our hearts?
These are the questions often asked. I see that we need to have wants. Our wants are crucial to fulfillment; they are the path forward; they give us the little push we need to find our connection with Source.
I often see my wants as energy wanting to express itself to be out in the open, not necessarily to be “seen” but to exist as is. To dance or sing or paint or draw or make a lot of money or drive or wear certain things. It’s asking to exist through you.
Nothing is off limits, yet if we want to want, to grab just to grab, then that is addiction coming from unmet needs/wants/expression. Yet if our wants come from recognition of what is, unrefutable knowing that this is important and necessary, then it will round you out in a way that is satisfying and right for you
The key is clarity and understanding at first how wanting matters,
what you want is a gift to be handled with respect; if it’s from the soul self, then this opens you up to honoring this part of you that has been seen as frivolous or materialistic.
1.What keeps coming to you as something you want to do, to be, to have, or become?
2.What do you try to substitute for that?
3.Can you say no and wait for what you truly want?
4.Do you have any clues as to what’s subconsciously in the way of having or experiencing what you want?
See where you are with this, check in with yourself, ask questions, and become curious.
Having a session is a great way to explore more and to dive into creating new programming around being fully in your own unique receiving mode.
Deep Joy
What brings me deep joy?
Fresh blackberries that are room temperature, strawberries, and blueberries in a beautiful bowl while sitting next to our pit bull, Lola.
Fresh flowers that smell heavenly when I get close up
My homemade water fountain
All the bees, hummingbirds, and lizards that visit the garden
L.A sunsets
Drinking Hot water and taking very warm baths
Wearing exactly what feels great, not giving my fit a second thought ..pleased from putting it on to taking it off
Laughing with and at my husband ( he’s so funny)
Candles and incense
Smiling eyes
Intuitively living and being
What brings you deep joy?
What we Absorb
artist Catalina Ouyang (b. 1993, Bartlett, IL)
Our subconscious beliefs dictate what shows up in our lives. You began absorbing energetic thoughts and feelings when you were in the womb and continued to do so once you were born. You are a mixture of influences. The stronger the energy of a person around you growing up, the stronger the impact. The most powerful influences come from our authority figures.
You have accumulated many ideas of how to be in the world. Some of those are no longer of any value, yet they continue to circle, causing many frustrating starts and stops or non-actions. When this happens, we begin to feel stuck and powerless. These are the moments when the subconscious is carrying a belief that cannot help but play itself out in your life no matter how hard you try.
This is the inner child’s memories, focus, protection, and survival. This is when you know it’s time to uncover whatever is blocking you from your freedoms.
This work isn’t easy or even quick. It does ask you to step into your worth and what you’re here to do. It stretches you and tests your ability to pause and listen to your intuition. It asks of you what you ask of yourself. It takes you as far as you are willing to go, and depending on what you want to be, have, and do, you can have all of it.
What is rewarding and satisfying is the feeling of real inner power and strength you never knew you could feel.
If you want to change to be happy and free, there is a path. Join me in guiding you through this incredible journey of discovery.
Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty.
Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.
Mandy Hale
Moving out what’s in the way
Artist Sahara Longe Bad Dreams, 2023;
When you want something, and it’s not showing up, there is something in the way.
When we enter a relaxed mental state and activate the subconscious mind, we can gain clarity with the right prompts that move what has been in the way of our progress.
You are naturally inclined to call in your heart’s wants and needs without too much effort; that’s natural and normal.
Should show up for you even when you are unaware of them doing so or trying to make them happen.
What could be in the way? Deeply rooted beliefs have been circling, causing interference, creating very little or nothing at all.
We get down to the causes of what is stopping the flow and the conditions that keep you small and powerless, and then we create new ways of seeing and believing. Through deep visioning, we rewrite the story. This happens because our brains are flexible enough to rewire our thinking to shift and create new pathways. Of course, they are; we are the only creatures who can change. We are made to change. We are made for movement, growth, and flexibility.
That’s the way to moving out of what’s in the way of what you consciously want to call into your life and experience.
There’s no greater satisfaction than feeling free of something that has eluded you.
Please reach out for support and guidance during this precious time of change.
Stop pretending you don't know what you do know
Artist Chioma Ebinama amor mundi 2021
When Doubt has become the living, breathing default mode, we make unconscious excuses, acting as if we are behind or somewhat stunted, that our instincts cannot possibly be correct. We become annoying to ourselves, placing ourselves on the back burner, unimportant. Thinking other’s beliefs, words, intellect, curiosity, or laughter are somehow more _____. Fill in the blank; it could be anything.
We fall back into doubting our knowing, our own simplicity of being. We are caught in a spiral of answering to the wounds we can’t seem to rise above, even though we are constantly being called to say what we need to—better yet, to feel our knowingness and allow it.
What seems to be in the way? Most likely, attachments to others, when we are so consumed by someone’s idea of us, our energy gets stuck there. We stay performing for approval of some sort, often outgrowing it yet incapable of switching off the automatic default button.
We have had nudges to move on, we have had glimpses of our Soul self, and we have had all kinds of messages around us daily. The problem is being so attuned to other’s energetic frequency that we forget our own, care for our own, and give it the space and reverence it needs to show us what’s possible. We need space to move through life as we were always intended to. We must let others feel for themselves, do for themselves, and be themselves. We all deserve to know our own soul selves fully and intimately.
May you learn and trust that you do know and that what you know matters.
"There are no shortcuts.
You have to do the work."
-Rick Rubin
Signs Your Inner Child Is Trying to get your attention
Having big feelings about small things
Your emotional response is out of proportion to the situation at hand.
There is a tremendous amount of anxiety.
You are hanging onto old things, stories, and people
You feel incapable of taking care of yourself
You’re struggling in your career and or relationships.
Learn to tap into your inner child because she is holding onto all that she absorbed in early childhood. She cannot separate the truth from the false; absolutes drive her. Help her, and you will help yourself. Reach out for a session to explore how to create new programming around the world of the inner child.
Cathy Josefowitz ca. 1975
"Whenever you are immersed in compulsive thinking, you are avoiding what is. You don't want to be where you are. Here, Now." - Eckhart Tolle
Artist Jordan Nassar A Lost Key
A strong wish for something is the Voice of God in your heart asking you to take the next step forward. That is the way in which the Great Mind is communicating with you at the moment. A strong wish is a sacred thing to be received with the greatest respect and handled with the highest wisdom.
Adrenaline highs
Keita Morimoto, Calling You, 2024
Let’s be honest! There’s a certain thrill that comes with living on the edge. There is a thrill that accompanies the struggle to hang on. There’s a certain thrill people get from the urgency of holding things together or keeping them from falling apart. People who live on the edge can become so addicted to the adrenaline rush of the drama that they depend on crises to make them feel important. When you are struggling on the edge, you have something to do. When there is a problem to solve or a crisis to overcome, you feel needed. When you make desperate attempts to overcome the problems and difficulties you face, you feel validated. This gives you a temporary high called busy-ness. For some people, being busy makes life worth living. People who live on the edge are always busy avoiding something, getting over something or getting through one thing or an-other. In most cases, they never quite make it over to the other side, but they can tell exciting stories about the struggle just to hang on.