Sometimes you can’t, but always God can

Artist Marie-José Robinson Kafri

The spiritual forces that created and sustained the universe can help you at any time—provided you call upon them intelligently. Of course, there is only one First Cause, but it acts in many different ways, and your response will always come in the most appropriate ways to meet your needs.

We can do it ourselves instead of letting the Great Power do it. One way to call, mentally and physically, and then upon this Power is to become quiet and call upon IT quietly to do what IT knows to be necessary. Do not dictate ways and means.

Often, your prayers go unanswered because you try to accomplish things with your willpower alone. But remember your willpower, and you cannot succeed in all things if it is limited to you.

Have you ever seen a heavy freight elevator in action or a giant hoist at the docks? You know what happens. The operator would not dream of pulling up that load with his muscles. He would tire himself out, possibly seriously damage himself, and make no impression on the task.

He throws a small switch quite gently and leaves it in. Then, the electric power raises the loadequired, and as often as necessary, without any effort or fuss to any height r.

You are not just solving a problem when you engage in spiritual work. You are applying infinite power to your situation. Power can be only; with this, there is one outcome: victory.

"Be still and know that I am God."*

-Emmett Fox

Be fully in harmony with what you have

and commit to creating something that you can be inspired by.”