What do you want

Artist Ken Price 1981

What is the basis of our wants? Will they fill all of the holes in our hearts?

These are the questions often asked. I see that we need to have wants. Our wants are crucial to fulfillment; they are the path forward; they give us the little push we need to find our connection with Source.

I often see my wants as energy wanting to express itself to be out in the open, not necessarily to be “seen” but to exist as is. To dance or sing or paint or draw or make a lot of money or drive or wear certain things. It’s asking to exist through you.

Nothing is off limits, yet if we want to want, to grab just to grab, then that is addiction coming from unmet needs/wants/expression. Yet if our wants come from recognition of what is, unrefutable knowing that this is important and necessary, then it will round you out in a way that is satisfying and right for you

The key is clarity and understanding at first how wanting matters,

what you want is a gift to be handled with respect; if it’s from the soul self, then this opens you up to honoring this part of you that has been seen as frivolous or materialistic.

1.What keeps coming to you as something you want to do, to be, to have, or become?

2.What do you try to substitute for that?

3.Can you say no and wait for what you truly want?

4.Do you have any clues as to what’s subconsciously in the way of having or experiencing what you want?

See where you are with this, check in with yourself, ask questions, and become curious.

Having a session is a great way to explore more and to dive into creating new programming around being fully in your own unique receiving mode.