Moving out what’s in the way

Artist Sahara Longe Bad Dreams, 2023;

When you want something, and it’s not showing up, there is something in the way.

When we enter a relaxed mental state and activate the subconscious mind, we can gain clarity with the right prompts that move what has been in the way of our progress.

You are naturally inclined to call in your heart’s wants and needs without too much effort; that’s natural and normal.

Should show up for you even when you are unaware of them doing so or trying to make them happen.

What could be in the way? Deeply rooted beliefs have been circling, causing interference, creating very little or nothing at all.

We get down to the causes of what is stopping the flow and the conditions that keep you small and powerless, and then we create new ways of seeing and believing. Through deep visioning, we rewrite the story. This happens because our brains are flexible enough to rewire our thinking to shift and create new pathways. Of course, they are; we are the only creatures who can change. We are made to change. We are made for movement, growth, and flexibility.

That’s the way to moving out of what’s in the way of what you consciously want to call into your life and experience.

There’s no greater satisfaction than feeling free of something that has eluded you.

Please reach out for support and guidance during this precious time of change.