Overeating sugar

Pablo Picasso

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

Paris, June-July 1907

Overeating is stunting your total spiritual growth.

It is staying low-worth and low-value, saying I can’t feel too good.

When I’m overeating sugar, I know I’m covering up a feeling; anxiousness from growing too fast is what it feels like. I want to slow the speed of energy that is moving through me, and I want to return to comfort.

Of course, this is the lie that food is comfort; it is a way out, more like a way to distract myself. It is an excellent way to stay on the sidelines, to not join in on what is happening on the inner planes.

This creates anxiety, I know having been so self-aware, it seems, my whole life. Sugar brings me down to earth while simultaneously taking me off of earth.

It takes courage to look within and ask myself why I’m doing this. I am more interested in being free than anything else…

Asking myself why has become the most important question for me, it takes me from complete vagueness to clarity and understanding.

Why am I eating this? Why am I calling this person? Why am I writing this? Why am I afraid? The answers always come within the moment, and sometimes, when I forget I even asked.

I listen closer to my inner voice now; I give it great respect and a lot of room to be correct. I trust it.

Life works well without my trying to control it. It always has.

What gives me strength and pause is the certainty that I am being moved to make different choices, not because I have to but because if I want to feel good in this body while I’m here on this planet, I become open to being changed.

I see that once I began to shift on the inside, the subconscious momentum began. I want more and more freedom, and this feels good.

You are worth it and ready to be more than what you’ve been told you can be.