I want to age like sea glass, smoothed by tides, not broken. I want the currents of life to toss me around, shake me up And leave me feeling washed clean. I want my hard edges to soften as the years pass – made not weak, but supple. I want to ride the waves, go with flow, feel the impact of the surging tides rolling in and out.
When I am thrown against the shore and caught between the rocks I want to rest there until I can find the strength to do what is next. Not stuck – just waiting, pondering, feeling what it feels like to pause. And when I am ready, I will catch a wave and let it carry me along to the next place that I am supposed to be.
I want to age like sea glass. When people see the old woman I’ll become, They’ll embrace all that I am. They’ll marvel at my exquisite nature, hold me gently in their hands and be awed by my well-earned patina – neither flashy nor dull – but just the right luster. And we’ll both feel lucky to realize, once again, that we have landed in the perfectly right place at just the right moment.
I want to age like sea glass. I want to enjoy the journey and let my preciousness be, not in spite of the impacts of life, but because of them