Chaos Creator

Artist Amanda Kavanagh

What are some things that you do to create chaos in your life?

Here are some examples:

  • Being chronically late or regularly late

  • Knowing what is right for everyone else all the time

  • Worrying

  • Overspending

  • Agreeing to do/take on too much

  • Not saying no when you know you should (no boundaries)

  • Neglecting responsibilities or relationships

  • Ignoring physical problems, hoping they will go away or fix themselves.

  • Arguing with someone who’s high or drunk

  • Picking a fight

  • Fixing other people, doing for them what they can do for themselves

  • Manipulating others to get what you want

  • Trying to control something or someone to get the outcome you desire

  • Attempting to make something (or everything) perfect

  • Obsessing

  • Projecting

  • Wallowing in self-pity

  • Being a Martyr

  • Being critical of others

  • Feeling you are the right person to "teach them a lesson."

    Chemically and hormonally, many of us get a surge of adrenaline pumping through our bodies when we engage in these behaviors, and we get addicted to that feeling.

If you would like more in-depth clarity around these behaviors, I look forward to discussing this in a session.