What are some things that you do to create chaos in your life?
Here are some examples:
Being chronically late or regularly late
Knowing what is right for everyone else all the time
Agreeing to do/take on too much
Not saying no when you know you should (no boundaries)
Neglecting responsibilities or relationships
Ignoring physical problems, hoping they will go away or fix themselves.
Arguing with someone who’s high or drunk
Picking a fight
Fixing other people, doing for them what they can do for themselves
Manipulating others to get what you want
Trying to control something or someone to get the outcome you desire
Attempting to make something (or everything) perfect
Wallowing in self-pity
Being a Martyr
Being critical of others
Feeling you are the right person to "teach them a lesson."
Chemically and hormonally, many of us get a surge of adrenaline pumping through our bodies when we engage in these behaviors, and we get addicted to that feeling.
If you would like more in-depth clarity around these behaviors, I look forward to discussing this in a session.