Dana Griffin Mind coach

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Toba Khedoori, Untitled (Grass), 2022

Home is to understand yourself as worthy of being. Worthy of being will translate to wherever you live, and any home you may have will be temporary, including the body you stand in. It is home for now. It is doing its job now. To put down roots, as you say, is to make yourself known by others, become reliant upon community. Now, community operates in different ways. You're so used to the idea of segmented community, likemindedness, that you forget your neighbors who do other than you. And until humanity decides that you are one community, and not faction, you will have frustration and war. To exhibit love to the one you don’t know, to say to the one you see, “I see you in your beauty and in your right to be,” claims it for the self as well. Say thank you for wherever you live. It becomes your opportunity to learn. Period.

Paul Selig- the guides
